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•   Willis (Aka Jack) McNabb  8/16
•   Gary Wilhelm  4/25
•   Richard Taylor  8/3
•   Tom Rhodes  6/11
•   Jo Barrett (Maas)  5/6
•   Carol Flanders (Fortier)  5/5
•   Sandra Lowry (Haupt)  5/4
•   Fred Childress  3/21
•   Catherine Clay  2/21
•   Brenda Hicks (Nesbitt)  11/27
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
1 lives in Arizona
12 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
3 live in Delaware
2 live in District Of Columbia
29 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Indiana
42 live in Maryland
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in Nevada
2 live in New Mexico
3 live in New York
8 live in North Carolina
2 live in Ohio
2 live in Oregon
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
2 live in South Carolina
3 live in Tennessee
5 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
25 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
2 live in West Virginia
1 lives in Netherlands
23 location unknown
72 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!




Welcome all CLIPPERS to the Oxon Hill High School Class Of 1961 web site.  This site was especially formatted for use of our classmates for communications among members, to add photos, announcements from the reunion committee, notes, music, memories and updates.

If you are a classmate of the OHHS class of 1961, please log on with your name, and address,  email address and your own secret pass code in order to use the site.  You will have your own personal page to add pictures to, your history, your own comments and communicate with other classmates.  THIS SERVICE IS FREE TO JOIN, IT IS A SAFE SITE AND WILL COST NOTHING FOR YOU TO USE.  It is simple to use, even I can use it!!!..........   Because it coaches you through every process.

In the box on the right click on JOIN HERE and then find and click on your name.  Only people that are listed on this page can join the site.  (Classmates and teachers)  Continue to follow the directions given then explore the information available.

After you "JOIN",  log on and see what is available on the site and add to it with your own personal page and messaging.  As more of us use it there will be lots to read and enjoy, so continue to check the site regularly for updates and additions.

On behalf of the Reunion Committee,  Mary Ann (Moore) May



Thought you all would enjoy this!!  So true!!  I remember a lot of these!!

Mary Ann


We were all 'Home Schooled' whether we realised it at the time or not...

Most of us over 65 were Home Schooled in many ways...

My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.

"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

My mother taught me RELIGION.

"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

My father taught me about TIME TRAVEL

"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"

My father taught me LOGIC

"Because I said so, that's why

My mother taught me MORE LOGIC

"If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."

My mother taught me FORESIGHT

Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

My father taught me IRONY

"Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about."

My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS

"Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM

"Just you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"

My mother taught me about STAMINA

"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."

My mother taught me about WEATHER

"This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY

"If I told you once, I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate!"

My father taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE

"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

My mother taught me about BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION

"Stop acting like your father!"

My mother taught me about ENVY

"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."

My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION

"Just wait until we get home."

My mother taught me about RECEIVING

"You are going to get it from your father when he gets home!"

My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE

"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck that way."

My mother taught me ESP

"Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

My father taught me HUMOUR

"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT

"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

My mother taught me GENETICS

"You're just like your father."

My mother taught me about my ROOTS

"Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"

My mother taught me WISDOM

"When you get to be my age, you'll understand."

My father taught me about JUSTICE

"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"

This should be sent only to the over 65 crowd because the younger ones

would not believe we truly were told these "EXACT" words by our parents...




Fred Whitman sent a Doo Wop Test,  Click here to see how you do!!


Thank you to those who wished me a happy birthday. I will be 80 the day after Christmas. I am in great health and wonder how I got to be this old. I look in the mirror each morning and say, "You lie!" and walk away. I have 5 grand children, 31, 23 20, 19, and 16. The 16 year old is 6'31/2" tall. I also have an 11 year old great grand daughter. I hope the very best for all of you.  Sandra McNickle


Very sorry to report the deaths of two of our classmates Thomas Wayne Presgraves and Mary Anita Griffin (Kahler). (see the "In Memory" Section for more details)  Also sad to report the death of Coach Crescenze.  His obit is listed below.

Birth: Monday, April 25, 1927 in Massillon, Ohio
Residence: Ocean City, Maryland
Death: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at the age of 89
Click to see full size photo
Edward Paul Crescenze, 89, of Ocean City, MD formerly of Calvert County passed away in Solomons, MD on April 11, 2017. Edward was born on April 25, 1927 in Massillon, OH to the late Steve and Mary Porini Crescenze. He served in the United States Army in World War II and graduated from the University of Maryland with a master's degree in physical education. His wife of 65 years, Barbara, predeceased him, as have his son, William Daniel Crescenze and a sister, Angeline Zimbello.

Edward was a teacher at Oxon Hill High School and a professor of physical education at Prince George's Community College. He retired from the Prince George's County School System in 1992. He was an athlete, who not only enjoyed biking and golf, but also coached college basketball, baseball, golf, tennis and bowling.

He was proud of having raised six children. Edward is survived by his sons, Stephen Crescenze of Welcome, MD, Paul Crescenze and his wife, Thea of Chestertown, MD, Jeffery Crescenze and his wife, Lisa of Huntingtown, MD and Gary Crescenze and his wife, Tammy of Ocean City, MD; daughter Sharon Gramsky of Chesapeake Beach, MD; brothers, Steve and Richard Crescenze, both of Massillon, OH; sister, Carolyn Mesaros of Massillon, OH; 10 grandchildren and eight-great-grandchildren.

Memorial contributions may be made to Calvert Humane Society, 2210 Dalrymple Road, Sunderland, MD 20689 or to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital at 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105. Arrangements by Raymond Wood Funeral Home.


We are very sad to report the death of our classmate, Jerry Mayhew.  Jerry passed away on July 2, 2015, from colon cancer at age 73.  We all remember Jerry fondly from our high school days and all the great memorabilia and T shirts he brought all the way from New Mexico for our 50th Reunion.  Rest in peace old friend.

We were informed of Jerry's passing by his Daughter, Bonita A. Thompson (


Gary Lovejoy is featured in this month's issue of Home and Design - very interesting article and a beautiful home!! - Congratulations to Gary!!  To view click on link below: (click on backarrow to return to the website)


I regret that my sister, M. Johanne (Fletcher) Stovall (Jo) of the Class of 1958 passed away peacefully at Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC from complications of lung cancer on 15 April 2015.  Jo is survived by her youngest son Ronald, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren and will be sincerely missed by our entire family.  Jo will be put to rest after a 2:00 pm viewing on Friday, 24 April 2015 at Briscoe-Tonic Funeral Home, 2294 Old Washington Road, Waldorf, MD.  She has joined the Angels of love now peacefully watching over us from above. 

Thanks again,
Janet F. Mann
11211 N. Scottwood Lane
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Phone: 540-785-1614  Cell: 540-850-7714


Death of Carl Wilkerson                                                                

We are very sad to report that we just received a notice from Ann Faircloth Wilkerson that Carl passed away in his sleep on February 11, 2015.  More information will be posted if and when it is received.  Our thoughts and Prayers go out to Carl's wife and family.  You may make comments regarding Carl in the "In Memory" Section of the website.

Jack Brown (OHHS class of 1960) advised us of the death of Pat Thorne (Crosby) from the OHHS Class of 1960.  I am sure many of you knew or recognize Pat (picture below)  



PAULINE LOUISE RUTHERFORD STOREY BANKS March 11, 1914 - January 1, 2015 Pauline Louise Rutherford was the oldest child of seven brothers and sisters born to Eska Merle Sallee and Merle Rutherford on March 11, 1914, on the Sallee farm near Claysville, in southern Indiana. Pauline graduated from high school and won a scholarship to Indiana University where she earned a degree in Vocational Home Economics and a teacher's license in English in 1935. She was the first and only one of the seven children to graduate from college. After three years of teaching Home Economics in depression-poor Southern Indiana high schools, she moved to Washington D.C. and got a job as a guide at the Capitol Building. There she met her first husband, Donald George Storey. The young couple settled in Chicago, and Polly taught in high schools for three years. Don was then taken back into the Navy and sent to Point Barrow, Alaska. Polly soon joined him and set about making their Quonset hut into a home. Don's next duty assignment was at the Naval Bureau in Washington D.C. Polly found a position at Oxon Hill High School in Maryland, where she taught for two years. From there she moved to John Hanson Junior High School in Oxon Hill in 1960. She remained there until the school closed and she retired in 1983. During her tenure, the Prince Georges County School Board granted a scholarship to train a successful teacher to be a Guidance Counselor and as a result Polly received a Master's Degree in Counseling and Guidance from George Washington University in 1962. Don Storey died in 1978. In 1985, Polly met Charles Banks and they were married. The couple enjoyed many years of happiness, traveling and remodeling the home. Charlie died in 2000 after several years of Polly's caring for him and running Charlie's business, Applied Electro Mechanics. Polly was very active with Eastern Star and was Worthy Matron of her chapter three times. She was also a loyal and active member of the Business and Professional Women's Club of Alexandria and of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, VA. Polly is survived by her sister, Carolyn Darby of Ennis, MT; many nieces and nephews; and her stepdaughter, Marcia Banks. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 10 a.m. at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2701 Cameron Mills Road, Alexandria VA 22302. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Westminster Presbyterian Church. 

Thanks to those who wished me a Happy birthday. I was 78 on dec. 26. Don't know if it's a joy or concern, but I'm still kicking. I will always remember my first job at OHHS fondly.
Sandi E. mcNickle

Death of Lois Guerrieri

So sorry to have to report  the death of our classmate, Lois Guerrieri, on November 20, 2014.  You may read her obituary by going to the "In Memory" section of the website and click on her name.

Very sad to report the death of our classmate Paul Webster on September 22, 2014.  Please go to the "In Memory" section to view his obituary and to leave any comments of your memories of Paul.


Of Ocean City, MD, formerly of Huntingtown, MD, died in St. Leonard, MD on October 5, 2014.
She was an elementary school teacher in Prince George's County prior to her retirement.
She is survived by her husband of 65 years, Edward; four sons, Stephen,Paul, Jeffrey and Gary;
daughter, Sharon Gramsky; sisters, Nanette Stoffan and Patricia Oliver, 10 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Her son, William Daniel Crescenze and brother, David Ritchie predeceased her.
The family will receive visitors on Sunday, October 12, 2014 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Raymond-Wood Funeral Home,
10684 Southern Maryland Blvd (Rt 4 S), Dunkirk, MD 20754.
A second visitation will be held at the same location on Monday, October 13, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Funeral services will begin at 11 a.m. Burial will follow at Southern Memorial Gardens.
Memorial contributions may be made to , 501 St. Jude Pl., Memphis, TN 38105 or online at




I am sure many of you remember our typing teacher, Miss Spate.  Jack Brown of the OHHS Class of 1960 forwarded this obituary for Miss Spate (Palmer) who passed away in January of 2010 at the age of 73. She taught at Oxon Hill her first year of teaching in 1959 having graduated from Westminster College in 1958.  She always seemed almost as young as we were - she was a great teacher liked by all.

Palmer, Donna Spate
Passed away on January 18th , 2010. She was 73. Born in and raised in Elizabeth Township, PA. Donna was the oldest of two children. Always an active part of her community, she enjoyed helping others in any way possible. Survived by her loving husband Gary of 49 years, her sister Sara Hanford, daughter Charlene (husband Drew), son Ken (wife Amy). Grandchildren Jennie and Sam. After graduating with a teacher's degree from Westminster College 1958, she went on to teach at Oxon Hill High School in Maryland. Gary took her back home to Pittsburgh where they started their family. Donna gave of herself generously through her involvement in various ministerial and secular organizations. She was a Bethel Park Junior Womens Club President, where they raised funds to buy the building for The Opportunity Center (now called ACHIVA) in Pittsburgh, a non-profit work learning facility for developmentally disabled adults. They moved to Scottsdale, AZ. where she still cheered wildly for the Pittsburgh Steelers.. She was an active member in her church, singing in the choir as well, as with the Gospel Ladies. She was a youth group leader, and "bake sale chocolatier" Donna had the privilege of serving as president of the United Methodist Women, Beloved Saguaro HS Band Parent 80-86. She was a live-love and giggle person who enjoyed and lived life to it's fullest. She had a strong faith in God. All who knew her will sorely miss her. Memorial Service will be held Saturday Jan 23rd @ 1:30 pm at Paradise Valley United Methodist Church. In lieu of flowers, it would be her wish that donations be made to Paradise Valley United Methodist Women. 4455 East Lincoln Drive, Paradise Valley AZ 85253-4019-

Published in The Arizona Republic on Jan. 22, 2010
.- See more at:




Dear Mary Ann,

Although we've never met, as I send this MGEF Newsletter out to my friends, it seemed fitting to include you as one who knew Mom and is still in touch with others who knew and loved her. I'm still so proud of all she was and did for so many. As the first anniversary of her death approaches on October 17, I will plant a Magnolia tree in Mom's memory and say a prayer, yes, a prayer, that I make even half the positive difference she made in the world.
Dauntingly and reverently, I am now President of Mom's Maasai Girls Education Fund, and my 16 year old daughter, Cassidy, has been elected to the Board as a junior member. We traveled to Kenya several times this past year to ensure MGEF and our mission there remain strong, and the Executive Director Mom wisely chose as her successor, Zara Bott-Goins, is about to depart for Kajiado to make annual school visits--a critical and personal part of what Mom started so many years ago.
Our Fall Newsletter below contains just a few highlights of MGEF's ongoing impact, real-life stories of the powerful spirit and generosity of my Mom's life's work and legacy. These are just some of the many successes we're celebrating this year at MGEF, even as we look back on the hardest year we've ever known and learn to navigate a world without Barbara Lee Shaw.
If you could share this with Mom's Oxon Hill friends, this is a poignant time to make a difference in a girl's life with a donation to MGEF in honor of my mother. Today, October 11, is the UN International Day of the Girl. Yesterday the courageous champion of girls' education, Malala Yousafzai, made history as the youngest ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. And on October 15 all donations to MGEF will be matched 30% by Global Giving (up to $1,000). It's a good time to give. A link within the MGEF newsletter below makes donating through Global Giving easy.
Read all about MGEF's work so far this year! View this email in your browser.

Back to School Update

Dear Friends,

With your help, MGEF is sending 110 Maasai girls and young women back to school this fall, students who otherwise would not have a chance at education. We now support 26 Maasai girls in primary school, 31 in secondary school, and 30 girls in post-secondary education.

We are especially proud of our record number of MGEF young women attending university programs this year. A total of 23 students are pursuing degrees in Medicine, Nursing, International Studies, Tourism, and Education.

Our newest little girl, 9-year old Mercy Leina Swakei, started at the AIC Kajiado School this spring. Mercy’s older sister was forced to marry at age 15, and Mercy’s mother brought her to our MGEF office in Kajiado to rescue her from a similar fate. New MGEF sponsors have generously stepped in to assist with her education, and we are all very proud of her hard work.

Mercy (above, center) says: “I’m so excited to be a part of the MGEF family and already feel like the other MGEF students are my sisters because they are helping me with my studies."

We are also thrilled to celebrate Purity Sintama Melita (right), who has been with MGEF since we started in 2000. Purity has been accepted to the Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies at the University of Nairobi for a degree in International Studies.
Community Education is Key
Ensuring girls have access to education is one challenge; keeping them in school is another. MGEF’s Community Education Program (CEP) provides life-skills workshops to end forced marriage, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and other forms of violence against women, as well as reduce teen pregnancy and the spread of HIV, all significant factors preventing Maasai girls from getting an education. Our culturally-respectful workshops led by local MGEF staff and facilitators are held for girls, boys, men and women throughout Kajiado County.

The need for our workshops is especially pressing today. Large-scale protests have been held against anti-FGM activists throughout Kajiado. (For more, see Fortunately, over the last decade, our MGEF staff and facilitators have become trusted members of the community. Many students and their families rely on us for accurate information to increase their community’s understanding of the issues that impact girls’ education.

Women Entrepreneurs
Our CEP includes Women’s Business Training Workshops for rural Maasai women who have little or no education and live in extreme poverty. In our program, participants become self-sufficient and are better able to educate their children, provide health care and nutrition for their families, and protect themselves from violence. Nasupat Lemomo explains the powerful impact:

“My name is Nasupat Lemomo, a mother of five. We relocated to Ilbissil town with my family after a long time of suffering in the village. My children were not going to school because of lack of school fees and uniforms. I made a choice to move with them to Ilbissil town where we were staying in a small mud hut. After attending an MGEF Women’s Business Training, I started a small business selling Maasai shuka [traditional Maasai fabric]. Since this time, my life has never been the same again. I was given a loan for my business as well as knowledge on how to operate my business better. During the training, I learned to save for future use as well as keeping business records. I also joined a group of other Maasai women and we advise each other and share experiences. I started saving with the group as well as an individual through my home bank.
As a member of the group, one is allowed to borrow from the group and repay with a small interest. I started borrowing to buy building materials--iron sheets, nails, and three bags of cement. Through my savings and the money borrowed I was able to put a small house for us. My new house is small but decent because it’s not leaking during the rains. I am happy that I have something to show off my hard work."

Invest in Girls' Education on October 15
Please consider a contribution to MGEF in honor of the United Nations International Day of the Girl. The Day of the Girl focuses on girls’ rights, highlights gender inequalities, and addresses discrimination suffered by girls around the globe, all issues at the core of MGEF’s own mission. A contribution on October 15th between 9am-11pm EDT will be matched by an additional 30% by our friends at Global Giving.
Give Now
Since 2000, MGEF has supported the education and changed the lives of 136 girls. Our Life Skills Workshops have reached over 9,000 Maasai girls, boys, men and women, and almost 200 women have benefited from MGEF’s Women’s Business Training Workshops. Thank you for continuing to support us as we expand our reach, improve girls' access to education, and promote the literacy, health and economic well-being of Maasai women in Kenya.

As our wise MGEF alumna, Caroline Senteu, has said: “Now that I already have education, that is when they are coming to see that it is important. It can really make a difference, not only today, not only to us who are educated, but to the whole Maasai community.”

With gratitude,

Zara Bott-Goins

Executive Director
To learn more or to donate, please visit our website:
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Copyright © 2014, Maasai Girls Education Fund, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Maasai Girls Education Fund
5800 MacArthur Blvd. NW
Washington, D.C. 20016



Our old OHHS building has now been torn down and the new school is built.  Click on the link below to see a video remembrance and demolition of the old building..

Click on the back arrow to return to the website.



Great video from Dick Taylor of Tom Golden's (Class of '69) pictures of OHHS Band Reunion and musical solos by Dave Dahlgren on Trombone from 1959 and Mike Stacey on Cornet from 1960.

Click on the link below.

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